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As the number of people diagnosed with dry eye syndrome increases, companies are working on new ways to combat troubling symptoms like itchy and red eyes. One of the most common and effective short term treatments available for dry eye sufferers who also wear contact lens wearers is re-wetting eye drops.

Are Re-Wetting Drops The Same As Artificial Tears?

Right from the onset, it’s important for customers to recognise that re-wetting drops aren’t the same as artificial tears. All re-wetting drops are specifically designed for use while you’re wearing your contact lenses. Artificial tears, on the other hand, are supposed to be used on the naked eye.

The difference between these two eye drops is mainly due to the preservatives companies put into their formulas. Since artificial tears are designed to mimic real tears as closely as possible, there’s a higher chance proteins could build up in your contact lenses over time. That’s not the case, however, with re-wetting drops.

While using artificial tears with contact lenses on isn’t optimal, you must avoid using decongestant eye drops for all dry eye symptoms. Unlike both re-wetting drops and artificial tears, decongestant solutions have vasoconstrictors that thin out your eye’s blood vessels. Sure, this will make those red eyes appear bright white, but it comes at a great price. Dry eye sufferers will most likely feel intense burning and/or eye pain if they mistakenly use decongestant drops. Over time, decongestant drop use might lead to corneal issues.

When To Talk With An Optometrist About Dry Eye

While the re-wetting drops on our website are great for quick relief, they aren’t intended to be a long-term solution. If dry eye symptoms are interfering with your daily life, then you should talk with your Optometrist about possible treatments.

During your consultation, your Optometrist might collect a few tear samples to see how well your eyes are producing beneficial oils. After running a few tests, she/he should have a better understanding of the cause and severity of your dry eye syndrome.

Although dry eye syndrome isn’t curable, there are many strategies doctors employ to help patients better manage their symptoms. A few of the most common treatment strategies your doctor might mention include omega-3 fatty acid supplements, diet changes, and switching to daily disposable contacts.

Also, don’t forget to mention if you have any allergies when you visit your optometrist. Sometimes your contact lens solution or the preservatives used in a brand of re-wetting solution could exacerbate dry eye symptoms.

We Now Sell Soft Lens Re-Wetting Eye Drops

On our website, you’ll find many highly awarded re-wetting drops available for purchase. For instance, customers can now choose from Complete® Blink-N-Clean Lens Drops and Blink Contact Lens Drops with OcuPure™ technology.

Please take a look at our re-wetting drop options and give them a try for your dry eyes. Also, don’t forget to browse through our list of all-in-one solutions and soft contact lenses to find the perfect products for your eye care needs.