Eye Health Central

Myopia Statistics Worldwide

Half of the world could have Myopia by 2050

Myopia or near-sightedness is common. It happens when the eye grows too long or the cornea is too curved, causing light to focus in front of the retina rather than directly on it. This then results in blurry distance vision while near vision remains clear. Myopia has grown a lot in recent decades, mainly in East Asia with experts predicting that nearly half the world's people to have it by 2050. This piece reviews current rates and causes.

Global Myopia Rates

The World Health Organization (WHO) shows that myopia and severe near-sightedness are big public health issues. In 2020 about 2.6 billion people had myopia and around 400 million had severe cases. Rates rise mostly in children and teenagers. A 2016 study in Ophthalmology estimated that by 2050, almost 50% of people (five billion) will have myopia, with close to 1 billion suffering severe forms. The study ties this to lifestyle shifts, like more digital screen use, extended near tasks along fewer outdoor hours.

Myopia Rates by Region

East Asia

East Asia shows the highest myopia rates, especially in young people. Research finds that nearly 80-90% of teenagers in South Korea, China, Japan, Singapore get myopia before finishing high school. In China, up to 95% of university students show myopia.

A 2019 survey by the Chinese National Health Commission found that 53.6% of schoolchildren had myopia, with 81% of high school students affected.

In South Korea, a 2013 survey noted 96.5% of 19-year-old males were myopic - one of the highest rates known.

In Singapore, an estimated 83% of young adults have myopia.


Europe has lower myopia rates than East Asia, yet the numbers grow. Roughly 30-40% of adults have myopia, with higher levels in younger groups.

A JAMA Ophthalmology study noted 47% of young adults (25-29) had myopia, versus 30% in people above 60.

Northern Europe shows lower numbers, with Denmark and Norway around 25-30%.

In the United Kingdom, about 15% of children aged 12 to 13 now show myopia. Studies show that each extra hour of daily screen time raises a child's chance of myopia by 21%. For example four hours of screen use each day might lift the rate from 15% to 27%.

The COVID-19 pandemic also changed myopia numbers. Research says more screen time with less outdoor play during lockdown played a role in more children getting myopia. For instance in Scotland, preschool diagnoses of myopia climbed 42% after the pandemic compared to before.

North America

Myopia has risen over the past decades in North America. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI), 25% of Americans had myopia in the 1970s, a figure that climbed to nearly 42% recently.

The NEI shows young people are more affected, with 59% of those aged 25-29 showing myopia versus 20% above 65.

Severe myopia puts eyes at risk for detachment and degeneration affecting 5-10% of Americans.

Australia and Oceania

Australia shows a rising trend but remains below East Asian levels. A study by the Brien Holden Vision Institute found 31% of Australian adults have myopia, with expectations of 50% by 2050.

Among 17-year-olds, 31% have myopia, an increase from 14% in the 1970s.

More screen time and fewer outdoor hours boost these numbers.

Africa and the Middle East

Africa has much lower myopia numbers, around 5-10%. Yet urban changes and modern habits lift rates in some places.

In the Middle East, young adult myopia ranges from 20-40%, with countries like Israel and the UAE showing rising trends.

Myopia stats

Myopia-Causing Factors


Those with myopic parents face a higher chance of myopia. Research ties genetics to 50-60% of cases.

Close-Up Tasks

Extended reading or studying with screen use is linked to myopia. One study found children spending more than 3 hours close up are at a higher risk of myopia.

Limited Outdoor Time

Outdoor time helps slow myopia. Research shows children with 2 or more outdoor hours a day lower their risk by 30%.

Urban Living and Modern Habits

City life with high school pressures and heavy screen use marks higher myopia than in rural settings.


Myopia grows worldwide. East Asia shows the worst rise. As numbers climb in younger people, public strategies need to be implemented to curb this rise. More outdoor time, reduced screen use and new treatments may ease this global issue. 

Author: John Dreyer Optometrist Bsc(Hons), MCOPTOM, DipCLP
Created: 10 Mar 2025, Last modified: 19 Mar 2025