7 Jan 2025
Your eyelid could be twitching for a number of reason from stress to lack of sleep, although this can be sightly uncomfortable and a little annoying, rarely is there anything to worry about, read on to find out more.
7 Jan 2025
The eye is one if no the most important of the five sense, and like an iceberg we only see a small portion of the eye, but there is so much more hidden.
There is no doubt that the eye is an amazing part of the body, made up of many parts, each having an important role in your vision.
Discover all the different parts of the eye, and what each part does to enable the wonder of sight
Take a deeper look into the eye and discover the function of each individual part.
19 Mar 2025
It is hard to state the exact number of hyperopia cases around the world because of differences in study methods, definitions or group details. Some studies give us more clues on its prevalence than others. So what do the figures suggest?
19 Mar 2025
Myopia has grown a lot in recent decades, mainly in East Asia along with experts expect nearly half the world's people to have it by 2050. Find out more about current rates and causes.
7 Jan 2025
Bees are amazing creatures, buzzing around flower to flower, but did you realise how amazing their eyes are or how they see the world? Read on and be prepared to see bees in a whole new light.
7 Jan 2025
We all love an animal with big eyes, but have you ever wondered who has the biggest eyes in the animal kingdom? And why are they so big? It's not all about cuteness, but more about survival.
7 Jan 2025
Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for our overall health, but have you ever thought about the effects of dehydration on your eyes?
7 Jan 2025
Glasses can change how big your eyes appear to be and can change your look completely! They can either highlight your eyes and make them look brighter / larger or shrink them, well, not actually shrink them but they can make them appear smaller.