MyDay Multifocal contact lenses are silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses designed for people with presbyopia, a condition whereby it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on objects close to, and naturally develops when you are reaching the age of 40.
If your 40th birthday is approaching or recently past, and you are noticing that close-up objects such as your smartphone or tablet screen are appearing blurry, then you are probably developing presbyopia, and rather than reaching for a pair of reading glasses speak to your optometrist about multifocal or toric contact lenses.
MyDay multifocal contact lenses from leading manufacturer CooperVision incorporate their Binocular Progressive System which is specifically designed to help new multifocal wearers adapt to their lenses and enjoy clear vision even when their presbyopia advances and also to provide clear vision at all distances, so whether you need to focus near, far and everything in between (1) you can rely on MyDay multifocal to deliver.
With Coopervision's new Aquaform Technology that promotes high levels of water retention MyDay Multifocal provides excellent all day comfort, and as a silicone hydrogel lens they allow plenty of oxygen to penetrate the lens (2), helping your eyes breathe easily and remain comfortable, and healthy.