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Air Optix Night and Day Aqua

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Air Optix Night & Day Aqua
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Why Choose Air Optix Night And Day Aqua

  • 6 times more oxygen to the cornea than standard soft contact lenses
  • FDA approved for continuous wear for up to 30 days
  • Allows the most oxygen through the lens of any available soft contact lens
  • Ultra smooth lens surface that is protein resistant due to Alcon's TriComfort™ technology 
  • Ideal for those who want to sleep or nap in contact lenses
  • Silicone hydrogel contact lens

Product Info

Air Optix Night & Day Aqua is a silicone hydrogel contact lens that's FDA approved to be worn as a daily disposable contact lens or up to 30 consecutive nights.

Air Optix Night & Day Aqua is made from a breakthrough material, Lotrafilcon A, which makes sleeping in contact lenses much safer again. The special ingredient that makes the contact lenses so permeable is siloxane, not water, and this allows up to 6 times more oxygen to the cornea than standard soft contact lenses, making it a healthier option compared to lenses that let less oxygen through to your eye. It's no surprise that Air Optix Night and Day Aqua are the contact lenses most recommended by eye doctors for contact lens wearers who sleep in their contacts.

The patented lens material helps to maintain moisture by minimising the rate of lens dehydration, creating an all day comfortable contact lens. In addition, an ultra-smooth surface has been specifically designed to resist deposits so that your contact lenses stay clean and comfortable day after day after day.

As Air Optix Night and Day Aqua have been designed and FDA approved for overnight wear, they are ideal for contact lens wearers who want to or need to sleep in their lenses, whether that's a firefighter on shout, a Doctor on call or a new parent deprived of sleep. Pop your contact lenses in at the beginning of the month and forget about them until the end of the month, what could be simpler than seeing clearly night and day, just like before you wore contact lenses.

Always check with your Optometrist as to your suitability before wearing overnight contact lenses.


Recommended Cleaning Solution

Have you bought any contact lens solutions for your lenses?

We have a large range of All in One Solutions, Soft Lens Rewetting drops to alleviate dry eyes and convenient Multi Purpose Solution Flight Packs - perfect for your next holiday.

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Rated 3.2/5 based on 29 customer reviews

Most helpful customer reviews

they are just the best for me

I don't know guys what are you talking about, maybe because i never had a chance to wear the "old ones", but I used to wear ACUVUE Oasys with hydraclear, and it's like day and night for me. I have experience of wearing lenses for 20 years now and I often had problems with my eyes getting red and irritated, but these particular lenses AirOptix Night&Day changed my life practically. For the last six months wearing them, i haven't had a single problem, no more red eyes and no more dryness in my eyes. I just love them

By from New York, USA on 01.02.2013 18:03

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Wear them every day

Great lenses, wear them every day and have done for years. No problems.

By from Winchester, UK on 01.03.2020 22:45

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really disappointing...

I have been using contact lenses for more than 7 years, I have tried many types and many brands. Since I started to wear `the old` Night and Day`s they were my favourite, just perfect. Now, I am using AirOptix Night and Day Aqua (about 10 days) and they are quite uncomfortable. I feel that I wear them, I feel discomfort few times a day, especially when I wake up and everything is just foggy, I cannot see clearly and my eyelids are sticky and like `glued`. It is really annoying because I used to wear the previous ones and they were always fantastic with no problems at all.
When I was buying them I saw the comment below which is not good but I decided to try them myself. I regret. I have checked the lenses ingredients and these are made of 25% less water than `the old` lenses. I am looking for different ones. Definetly not buying them again.

By from Ola D., Cambridge, UK on 24.10.2009 01:40

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All Customer Reviews

Showing 21-29 of 29 items.
The new lenses are really bad!!! Do believe the reviews!!!

I`ve been using the old FOCUS Night & Day lenses for almost ten years with not a single problem (after much `extended` wear and some fairly poor maintenance to be fair).
I`ve now been using the new CIBAVISION AirOptix replacement lenses for about six months and they are basically unusable. They have much lower water content, which results in dry sticky and grainy eyes, lots of `sleep` and general discomfort to the point that I`ve repeatedly just taken them out in the middle of the day, binned the lenses and reverted to glasses because I`ve lost patience with the discomfort. This is typically with a new set of lenses, after only a few days, and having left them in solution overnight.
Having now read the reviews and identified the lower water content I understand why I`ve spent the last six months with very uncomfortable lenses. I won`t be continuing with this product as (unfortunately!!) the new lens no longer does what it was designed to do.

By from Bristol UK on 22.06.2010 17:30

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Ive been using this product for well over 2 years and I find them fantastic. As I have to have a smaller size lense, I found these fit perfectly. Ive never had a problem at all with them and aslong as you stick to the instructions like your supposed to then I can`t see a problem.

By from Leeds on 27.05.2010 09:11

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Reconsider your lenses!

What a mistake! I had read ALL the posted reviews, and because of the mixed ratings decided that the lenses should be ok as I was an old hand at continuous wear. I have been wearing continuous wear lenses for 15 years, of varying brands. I was very happy with the old night and day lenses, and so when I found myself unable to order them decided to go with new "no difference" Aqua night and days. After the first night I woke up with my eyes glued together, have been unable to keep them in for more than about 10 hours at a time and feel they are much thicker and harder than any of the previous ones I`ve used. There is absolutely no way I will last a month taking them out every night, let alone a month of continuous wear. As I type, it is now less than a week since I first put them in (having taken them out at night for the last few nights) and already it feels like I need a new pair. More oxygen to the eye? It seems unlikely given how thick they are. Less likely to tear? Definitely, they are thick enough to prevent that. However, the whole point of continuous wear is that you aren`t taking them out and putting them in everyday, so less handling means less tearage. I can only assume people who found them fragile were handling them too much! That`s what disposable lenses are for. I am already looking for alternatives.

By from Sam, London UK on 15.03.2010 12:17

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They work for me

I was surprised to see the bad reviews on these. I love these lenses. I guess maybe it just varies between people and their eyes. I have no problems with these, in fact, I forget I am wearing them and even after 30 days of continuous wear I feel I could go much longer without discomfort. In the morning they sometimes feel a bit dry and gooey, but that is expected, but after a few minutes of normal blinking they are fine. Sometimes I have to use eye drops but not very often.

By from Portsmouth on 12.02.2010 08:05

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they do exactly what it says on the box!!

Like the other reviewers on here i also used to wear the old night and day lenses for many years but unlike them i still think even with the new aqua name they`re great! The do exactly what i need, and sometimes i can forget to change them after 30 days and they still feel as comfy as when i first put them in. Maybe i`m just lucky, but i think these night and day lenses are perfect if you want convenience and no hassle!
Plus on this website they`re very reasonable in price and freepost too so you can`t go wrong!!

By from Reading UK on 16.12.2009 22:23

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Not a patch on the old ones!!!

Agree with all the comments below. I wore the old Ciba night and days for over a year with no problem at all. I bought the Air Optix version having been assured that they were the same, just rebranded but they clearly are not! I used to wear the old ones continuously for weeks at a time with no problems but I had to take these out early every evening or my eyes mist over and dry out. Avoid and go elsewhere - there are far better out there !!!!

By from Peterborough, UK on 27.11.2009 10:54

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I have used the previous night and day lenses for many years. In accordance with other reviews the new version is no where near as comfortable, often feeling grainy and sticky. I did not feel confident leaving them in overnight which after all is the main benefit of these lenses. The new lenses are also much less robust than the old version, tearing more easily so rarely did they last 30 days. Definitely would not buy again and if feedback can be sent to the manufacturer it may be of use - they turned a great product into one to avoid.

By from London, UK on 10.11.2009 15:52

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really disappointing...

I have been using contact lenses for more than 7 years, I have tried many types and many brands. Since I started to wear `the old` Night and Day`s they were my favourite, just perfect. Now, I am using AirOptix Night and Day Aqua (about 10 days) and they are quite uncomfortable. I feel that I wear them, I feel discomfort few times a day, especially when I wake up and everything is just foggy, I cannot see clearly and my eyelids are sticky and like `glued`. It is really annoying because I used to wear the previous ones and they were always fantastic with no problems at all.
When I was buying them I saw the comment below which is not good but I decided to try them myself. I regret. I have checked the lenses ingredients and these are made of 25% less water than `the old` lenses. I am looking for different ones. Definetly not buying them again.

By from Ola D., Cambridge, UK on 24.10.2009 01:40

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Original Focus Night & Days were better

I have been using Ciba Vision`s extended wear lenses for many years starting with the original focus day & nights which were great. These were then discontinued & replaced with Air Optix Night & Day and these were no where near as comfortable. when i saw the new AQUA model I got excited but to me they are no more comfortable than the old non aqua model. going to try the TruEye daily lenses now

By from London on 30.09.2009 20:15

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