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Biotrue Multi Purpose Solution Flat 240ml

Biotrue Multi Purpose Solution 240ml Flat


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Biotrue Multi Purpose Solution Flat 240ml

Why Choose Biotrue Multipurpose Solution

  • Handy All-in-on solution
  • Cleans, Rinses, Disinfects and Removes protein every time you use
  • pH balanced to match healthy tears
  • Up to 20 hours of moisture
  • Great for sensitive eyes
  • Flat letterbox friendly bottle
  • For use with all monthly and 2 weekly wear contact lenses

Product Info

Wearing contact lenses, especially in a world of more computer use,more controlled environments and less sleep makes it more challenging for eyes to stay healthy and comfortable. Most monthly and two weekly contact lens wearers are familiar with the feeling of "fuzzy" contact lenses, that’s caused in part by the build-up of inactive proteins. Biotrue is formulated to lift and remove those residual proteins. Plus, it keeps your healthy tear proteins active and intact so they can maintain their inherent antimicrobial activity.

Biotrue contact lens solution contains Hyaluronan (Hi-a- lure-on-in). It may be hard to say, but it's easy to see why Bausch & Lomb have used it. This naturally inspired ingredient is a moisturizing element found in your tears, holding up to 1000x its weight in water, so your eyes already kinda perfected that themselves.

Biotrue™ multi-purpose solution from Bausch & Lomb moistens uses a lubricant naturally found in your eyes and it's pH balanced to match healthy tears. Using Biotrue™ multi-purpose means you are using a solution that works just like your eyes.


Special Features

BioTrue contact lens solution is designed to disinfects and clean lenses overnight while simultaneously adding hydration for lens comfort that lasts all day.

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